Fabulous Libbey Celeste Rolled Bread Tray – SOLD |
Celeste is one of the nicest, most under-the-radar patterns Libbey made. I’ve only ever seen this pattern a handful of times. Celeste is essentially a combination of all the best Libbey patterns. Little bits of Aztec, Kensington, Marcella, and Grand Prize shine through. A gorgeous thing to be certainly designed by the master – William C. Anderson. This tray is signed Libbey along the edge.
Where to start with this piece? How about the triple miter cane? That motif is some of the most incredible cutting I’ve seen – with tons of depth and relief to each hobnail – how one never got knocked off, I’ll never know (especially considering there are nearly 120 points to the motif). Each of the fields of triple-miter cane is surrounded by tiny, flat hobstars that meet two clear button hobstars and a larger Christmas hobstar. In between each of these intensely cut areas is a very deep hobstar with both the top and bottom points filled in with crosshatching – anywhere the cutter had an opportunity to add something on this piece, they did. The center of the bowl features a maltese-cross of diamond point hexad, which was one of the most difficult cuts of the Brilliant Period. They converge at a flat hobstar and have intense checking in between each bar. The amount of depth achieved on the curved blank of this tray is astounding.
The tray is in perfect condition and measures