Singular Hoare Assymetrical Lily Vase – SOLD |
This is one of my all-time favorite shapes of the Brilliant Period. Made exclusively by Hoare, this calla-lily blank is featured prominently in two museums – both the Corning Museum of Glass and the Museum of Cut & Engraved Glass feature turquoise vases on the same blank. This pattern is also cut on blanks known to be Hoare and can be seen on this Ice Pail I’m also offering for sale.
One of my favorite features of these vases is how Hoare was able to stretch the pattern to the shape. Towards the shorter end of the vase, the pattern is more compact and on the longer side the pattern stretches out with some of the hobstars being nearly twice the size as the front side. The pattern consists of a teardrop shaped hobstar with 16 points. Every space around the hobstar is filled in with tiny crosshatching – both a touch of quality and difficulty for the cutter. Two tusks sit perched above each hobstar. Tusks were one of the most difficult motifs of all to cut and show off the clarity of the glass like icicles in the glass. It’s a stunning technique and effect. The base is cut in the old-Hoare style hobstar with fans between all the points.
The vase is in perfect condition and on a beautiful blank with wood wheel polishing. It measures over 12 1/2″ tall and 5 1/4″ across the base. This nontraditional shape really screams rarity and uniqueness – it’s an eye catcher in every way – from the shape to the design.
Ref: 3571 - Price: $ 1,250 --