Gorgeous Niagara Cut Glass Pitcher With Many Motifs – SOLD |
This wonderful pitcher features a wide variety of motifs in a beautiful arrangement. The pattern reminds me of some C.F. Monroe work, but I don’t see it in the catalogs. This pattern is nearly identical to Niagara’s Oregon pattern except that instead of a band of Russian cutting under the hobstar, it has a band of hobnail.
The first thing I notice when I look at this pitcher is that the central portion of the hobstars have 5-miters for every point. I have only ever seen this on top-quality pieces and this piece is no exception. Two giant hobstars adorn the flank of the pitcher and are separated by a draped banner of hobnail. In between that portion of the pattern is a split vesica of crosshatching topped with a smaller hobstar. There is also some notched prism connecting the two portions of the pattern. The handle is triple notched and the base is finished with a 24-point hobstar.
This pitcher is on a gorgeous blank and in perfect condition. It measures. Again, this piece is really of great quality and that is evidenced by the wide variety of motifs and the 5-mitered hobstar center – I dare you to find a piece with that that isn’t great!