Most Incredible Fry Rochester 7″ Plate – SOLD |
This 7″ plate is cut in Fry’s impressive and very rare Rochester pattern. Both the blank and the cutting are standout examples with this piece. The blank is extremely thick and clear while the cutting is particularly deep and accurate. Add to that the rarity of the pattern and you have a world-class plate.
The main motif of the Rochester pattern is a cross of bars of triple-miter cane cutting. It is featured prominently five times in the pattern and each bar is divided by fane cutting. The center of this motif features a star which is cut extremely deep and made of the remaning cane. The crossed bar cutting is divided by a vesica of sharp hobnail surrounded by notched cutting. The cutting ont his piece is quite precise and only adds to the overall impressiveness of this plate.
The plate measures 6 7/8″ wide and 1 1/4″ tall. It’s in great condition with the exception of 2 small chips to two individual teeth.