Dorflinger No. 99 Pitcher – SOLD |
This pitcher, in Dorflinger’s 99 pattern, is stunning. Dorflinger reserved the 99 pattern for some of their best pieces – including many in color.
The cutting on this pitcher is particularly crisp and accurate. Two clear button hobstars are draped down the front of the pitcher. Flanked on either side are panels of deeply cut cane. Notched prism “ties” the entire pattern together while crosshatching fills in the rest of the spaces. The base of the pitcher is adorned with a large 24-point clear button hobstar. The handle is cut with large hobnail surrounded on either side with notching – this technique was saved for Dorflinger’s best quality handled pieces.
The pitcher is in perfect condition with just one very tiny flake at the base. It meausres 8 1/2″ tall and 6″ wide and is wood-wheel polished to perfection!