Skillfully Cut High Shouldered Vase – SOLD |
The amount of work on this piece is astounding. Already a desirable shape, the cutting really puts this vase over many others I’ve seen on similar blanks.
If you wanted to oversimplify this pattern, you could say it’s solely made up of hobstars, bands and crosshatching, but this piece is so much more than that. The first thing I notice is theĀ tightness of cutting. The bands that separate the diamond-shaped hobstars, rather than being cane, are made up of Russian cutting. To fitĀ that amount of detail in such a small space is astounding. Even the fans that top off the vase are more like bursting stars than just ordinary fans. The neck is step cut and the top of the vase is finished with alternating diamonds of crosshatching and hobnail. The base is covered with a rayed star.
The vase is in perfect condition and measures 10″ tall, 4 1/4″ diameter. It’s a superior cabinet piece that will certainly standout in any colleciton.