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Giant Libbey? Humidor – SOLD

This is a gorgeous, and extremely well-done humidor. I’ve seen this blank used primarily for Libbey pieces, but I have not seen this design.

Accuracy is the word I would most closely associate with the pattern on this piece. Every miter is placed perfectly, symetrically unlike most any other pattern. The central 16-point hobstars are surrounded by precise crosshatching. Underneath each of the large hobstars is a smaller, flat, Libbey-esque hobstar. The panels with the hobstars are divided with beautifully done banners of cane topped with a fanned diamond. Both the lid and the base are covered with deeply cut hobstars. I love how the sides of this piece curve inwards at the bottom rather than running perpindecular to the surface on which the piece rests.

This larger than average humidor measures 9″ tall and 6″ wide . It’s in perfect condition with hardly a scratch on the piece. The blank is stunning and clear. The price on this piece is very fair considering what one can get much lesser humidors for.

Ref: 817 - Price: $ --

Company: Libbey?

Shape: Humidor

Pattern: Unknown

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