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Enormous Hawkes Russian and Swirl Bowl – SOLD

This piece is as nice as they come. This enormous bowl was cut by TG Hawkes in the early portion of the Brilliant period. Please pay careful attention to the dimensions below as this piece is quite large.

Clear tusks were one of the hardest techniques for cutters to master and it doesn’t take an expert to see this piece is covered with swirled tusks. These tusks run right up to the very edge of tthe bowl. A beautiful, radiant band of russian runs from the swirled pillars to the central hobstar. The central hobstar is an extremely well-cut, old-style (fan in center) star with 28-points!

The blank on this bowl is exceptional and truly highlights the clear tusks. Every miter is wood-wheel polished, leaving a delicate and radiant finish. The bowl measures 10 1/8″ in diameter, 3 3/4″ tall and weighs a WHOPPING 7 1/2 pounds!!!! I’ve seen far smaller of these fetch more money than my price, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to get the largest I’ve seen at a bargain price!

Ref: 510 - Price: $ --

Company: Hawkes

Shape: Bowl

Pattern: Russian & Swirl

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