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Extremely Detailed Egginton Persian Design Bowl – SOLD

This bowl is cut in Egginton’s rendition of the Persian design. Persian is similar to Russian, but the hobs have more detail, with hobstars on each one. This bowl, like some of Egginton’s best work is extremely sharp and clear. It’s signed Egginton in the center.

The pictures speak for themselves – this is an extremely complicated design with what seems to be a never-ending supply of miters intersecting. Where the intersections finally open up, there is a hobstar. It’s remarkable that any pieces in these types of designs ever survived -with all the cuts, you’d think that at some point in their 100+ year lifespan, they’d just pop after being knocked slightly.

This bowl is in phenomenal condition – with just a few tiny fleabites that blend into the cutting. It measures 8 1/2″ wide and 4″ tall. When Egginton wanted to, they produced some of the finest cut glass of all the glass houses – this piece exemplifies what they were capable of.

Ref: 2688 - Price: $ --

Company: Egginton

Shape: Bowl

Pattern: Persian

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