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Unbelievable, Large J. Hoare Croesus Roseglobe – SOLD

Croesus is one of J. Hoare’s most desirable, early patterns. This roseglobe is one of the absolute best examples I’ve ever seen – mainly because of the doubling up of the clear tusk work. The entire piece is wood wheel polished lending a silky feel and wonderful radiance to the globe.

Typically most Croesus only features tusks on the lower bout of a piece, however this roseglobe features them on both the top and bottom (swirling in opposite but continued directions)! The circumference of this piece is lined with diamond shaped fields of cane. These are divided on all sides by fan cutting. Both the top and bottom feature a swirling, clear-tusk motif divided by notching. The bottom of the piece is outrageous! The tusks swirl around until they come to a point converging at the center. I don’t remember ever seeing this done before – most companies would usually take the easy way out and finish the piece with a hobstar or the more than common fan. The use of clear tusk work pushes this piece over the top.

The globe is large, measuring 7″ wide and 6 1/4″ tall. It’s in perfect condition with just a few tiny scratches at the base. The blank is far better than many early Hoare pieces which can tend to be gray in coloring.

Ref: 2470 - Price: $ --

Company: J. Hoare

Shape: Roseglobe

Pattern: Croesus

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